Prior to any heavy-duty cleaning, all rugs are dusted. This is a process that “beats” and vibrates out all the dry dust, soil, pollen, grit etc. from the rug prior to introducing any type of cleaning solutions. Wool rugs, especially, due to their thick pile and scale like follicles, can trap and hold an enormous amount of dry soil, even with regular, thorough vacuuming. It is critical that this all be removed from the rug not only for proper cleaning, but to greatly extend the life of the costly rug. Left in the rug all those tiny particles act like thousands of tiny razor blades that cut the base of the fibers. As the rug fibers are cut, they tend to either fall over causing the rug to appear matted, or worse yet, they fall out of the rug completely. Once all of the dry matter is removed from the rug, only then is it washed. Again, each rug may get washed or cleaned completely differently, depending on fibers, dyes, construction etc. Once the rug is completely and thoroughly cleaned, the final process involves proper grooming and drying of the rug. After a final inspection of the rug, it is rolled up and prepared to be delivered back to your home.
BEWARE, there are many that would like you to believe your valuable rugs are safe with them. The truth is, there are very few professionals who have the necessary training, experience, and equipment to clean these handmade works of art and, more importantly, return them to you without shrinkage, color bleeding, or browning. If you have someone “cleaning” your rugs AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE, your rugs are not getting as clean as they could be! You may be thinking “But my rugs don’t look dirty!”. . . Don’t be so sure. Wool, cotton, and silk, partly because they are natural fibers, actually have tiny scales on them that trap dirt and grime. Because these same fibers are opaque, they do an excellent job of concealing dirt, thus most people don't realize the amount of dirt in their rug. By not removing this foreign matter from your valuable rugs, you are dramatically shortening your rug’s life and value.